Thursday, 31 January 2013

Return to normalcy

I've been pondering recently how easy it is to slip back into old habits, bad and good.
After my return to Oz I was convinced I had been changed so irrevocably that it would be impossible to ever settle down to a normal life.
How could I possibly be satisfied with weeks filled up with chores, work, housework and the ever-necessary run and yoga session without becoming a little bit crazier each week? Even with the saving grace of regular catch ups with my lovelies, and especially constant contact with the bestie without needing to calculate time difference,s I was more than a little concerned that I'd be running for the hills after only a few mere weeks of familiarity.

But then I realised there is a comfort in regularity that I should be glorying in; there are still new places to discover in a city I know well, not one but two new journalism jobs to tackle, new things to eat, people to see, tracks to run and skip and jump along, new music to bop along to.

This might be the 3 cups of coffee I've managed to down today, but being home is pretty damn good.

Besides, when you have a view like this to see, who needs to travel?

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Challenge accepted!

I love a good challenge.
Run a 10km fun run? Sure!
Go a month without buying anything new? Why not!
Don't eat sugar for a week? Well let me get back to you on that one.

But today I stumbled across a new challenge which really twigged with me.
The Australian Women's Writers 2013 challenge is aimed at overcoming the gender bias which can appear in the literary scene by encouraging people to sign up and read either 4, 6 or 10 novels throughout the year written by an Australian female author; and review them as well if you so desire.

When you think about it, that's really not that much effort for a very worthy cause. So sign me up!
Methinks some Kim Wilkins, Miles Franklin, Kate Moreton and Kate Forsyth will soon be hitting my desk.

You can read more about the challenge (and sign up) here.

Happy reading!