Tuesday, 26 June 2012

All that is old.

I have a confession to make: I'm a (not so closeted) vintage lover.

Old books, furniture, clothes, jewellery, random knick-knacks. If you name it, chances are I've lusted after it at one time.
To complete the cliche' I also bake, have taught myself to knit and try to sew (badly) fairly regularly.
My friends have come to identify 'Kylie' things in shops,my grandparents' houses are a haven full of undiscovered treasures and I still find it hard to walk past an op-shop with having a squizz in the window.

But despite my love for past eras I do consider my self a feminist and the limitations that were generally placed on women during these decades infuriate me.
If someone were to tell me I couldn't work/study/travel/have a beer in my local pub because I was a female, or that I had to wear 'gender appropriate' clothing  I can guarantee the other person would receive  short, sharp response. Most probably of the punch to the face variety.

So I should actually agree with this article I stumbled across recently, but actually far from it. I read and enjoy Frankie magazine mainly because, as I have said, I also enjoy doing all those homey domestic tasks like cooking, baking and creating. But I also love doing non 'feminine' stuff like throwing myself out of planes, travelling the world solo and playing way too much sport. Hell I've even tucked two university degrees under my belt. In fact what drew me to this magazine in the first place was the very fact that I didn't have entire sections based on how to be good in bed/look good naked/style your hair in the very latest fashionable way. I don't want to be told how to dress for the next three months so I can be identical to every other person out there or that unless I have a certain jacket my life is incomplete.

Surely these articles are what should be condemned not the fact that some women do still prefer to bake or knit than style their nails, and that the admission of this doesn't mean we're all doomed to eventually be chained to the kitchen stove again.

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