The heat hadn't dissipated despite the sun going down hours before while The Boy and I weaved our way through our city streets, half drunk on the excitement of the impending Christmas break.
Well I was. The Boy was truly drunk thanks to a day at the cricket. That sport has a lot to answer for.
We laughed and made jokes, holding on to each other tightly, all the while finding new shortcuts and places to come back to explore by daylight.
As the night crept on we found ourselves in front of the town hall, which had undergone a festive transformation and was lit up in lights. It was childlike and magical and held us in thrall - the music, the story, the graphics. Just wow.
But when it finished we were left lying on the pavement, still hot from the summer day, with a glimpse of a star here and there that hadn't been drowned out by the city lights.
And that's when the magic really happened.
"I like looking at the stars. I want to spend more time just looking at the stars."
As soon as the words left The Boy's mouth I was struck silent. They may have been the product of a few too many beers and good times, but that didn't diminish them at all. And just like that my resolution for 2015 was born.
I'm not a great believer in resolutions, being of the opinion that if you want to do or start something then why wait until a magical date. But this, this perfectly summed up what I want from 2015: simplicity, curiosity, and a childlike wonder.
And with that, Happy New Year lovelies!